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Atlanta, Georgia

Daily Dtox focuses on Ayurveda, Beauty, Health and Wellness and the most optimum ways for the body to Detoxify on a daily basis using Food, Juice, Yoga and Meditation.  


A Blog focusing on Juicing, Ayurveda, Yoga, Recipes, Meditation and all things Health and Wellness.  


{SAMA} Cleanse Camp Schedule

Shannon Sliger

Guided Meditation November Cleanse Camp

Guided Meditation November Cleanse Camp

Your Personal Schedule


7am Yoga/Meditation w SSS  Dunwoody Room C Level

8:30 am Reflexology Exhale Spa

10 am Ayurvedic Consultation with SSS Loews Lobby

12:30 Wellness Talk and Food Demo with SSS Dunwoody Room

2pm  Turkish Hammam Exhale Spa Floor 7

3pm Custom Massage with Serene @ TBD

6pm Yoga/Meditation Dunwoody Room w SSS

7:15pm Group Big Talk with SSS in Exhale Spa Dream Suite ; Ayurvedic Food Demo



7am Yoga/Meditation w SSS

8:30 Thai Herbal Massage with Gina in Exhale Spa Dream Suite

10am Sauna and Steam Exhale Spa

11:15 Astrology Reading with Gracey

12:30 Wellness Talk with Linda McIver from 2UMedical 

2:30-3:45 Body Scrub Exhale Spa Floor 7

3:45-5 Reiki Exhale Spa Floor 7

6pm Yoga/Meditation w SSS

7:15pm Big Talk with SSS in Exhale Spa Dream Suite; Ayurvedic Food Demo



7am Yoga/Meditation

8:30 Ayurvedic Food Demo and Dosha Discussion

10 TM Meditation talk with Dierdre

11:00 Closing